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Pomodoro Timer with Rain

Does the sound of rain tapping on your window give you a feeling of cosiness and warmth? Then you’re like many of us who grew up in a country with lots of rain - the feeling of being tucked up in a warm blanket, in a cosy room whilst the rain outside gently taps on your window is a lovely feeling that reminds us of home.

But did you know that the sound of rain also helps many people to focus? In this article, we’ll delve into how you can use rain as a productivity aid.

How the sound of rain can help you focus

Many people find natural sounds such as rain to be soothing which can be beneficial whilst studying or working. In addition,

Did you know that if you’re an extrovert, listening to rain could be particularly effective for you? A 2018 study of fifty university students found that whilst performing difficult arithmetic, performance was better on average whilst listening to either rain sounds or music. Not only that, but this effect was magnified in extroverts compared to introverts - so if you’re the life and soul at parties, you might find this space beneficial!

Aside from the neurological benefits, the sound of rain also works as an effective noise blocker. If you’re working in a busy office or at home with noisy family members, it’s very effective at blocking out conversation - especially when used in conjunction with a good pair of noise cancelling headphones.